Located in the U.S state of New Jersey, Union County is home to more than 5.3 million of people. As of the U.S Census Bureau, more than 1.8 million households and 1.3 million family units are based in this county. The name of the county seat is Elizabeth. It is also the largest city population and area wise.
The racial ethnicity is built upon a huge number of White, Black, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Hispanic and others.
Flourish your investigations and extensive research works by exploring the wonderful collection of Union County records library. Widespread data works unfolds multiple reasons to discover one's own pedigree. This vast information directory consists of birth and census records, marriage and divorce decree information, ancestral Social Security Number, death and obituary news along with other public records that comprise of probate and civil court records, land registration deeds, adoption index, American civil wars and World War I&II along with naturalization and immigration data. Historians and record seekers thus find this site more helpful in digging out valuable and reliable information about your ancestors' immortal deeds, remarkable lifestyles and exclusive biographies.