Passaic County is one of the popular counties located in the United State of New Jersey. Founded in the year of 1837, this county encloses an extensive area of 197.10 sq mi. Paterson is the county seat of this region. More than 5 million people inhabit in this county and the county bears near around 1.6 million households and 1.2 million family units.
The racial makeup of this county comprises of White, Black, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Hispanic and others.
Enormous information on vital databases such as birth and origin history, marital status and marriage registration page and volume number, death and demise reports with obituary and burial can be altogether retrieved from the Passaic County records site. Public records archive of the website additionally constitutes data regarding military service history with enlistment particulars, adoption and adoptee specifics including inheritance and guardianship details, World War I&II and American civil war records, last will and estate reports with probates and liens, civil court proceedings and so on. These data procured online, furnishes the widespread research explorations extensively. One can thus smoothly establish his own parental achievements and the reality of the present day era.